21 Lug My book: “Forme e colori nelle fiabe”, July 7st, 2022
I wish to offer a method to activate the creativity needed to see shapes and colors present in fairy tales. Anyone can educate in this method, not just designers, illustrators and toy designers; because it is true that creative ideas are taken from fairy tales that are used for design, but it is equally true that we can only take these ideas as a key to understanding, for a pure formal and chromatic analysis of the fairy tale from a visual point of view, through the tool of the fairy tale the contents are interpreted in shapes and colors to be placed in space and time and to be used to give life to the design of a toy.

Irene Guerrieri is an architect specialized in design for kids.
Important Leading companies in the toy, children’s publishing, accessories and children’s furniture sector are turning to her to renew and give a new launch to their product range.
Irene is also a lecturer at graduate schools, where she holds a Toy-Design Workshop, teaching an innovative and fun design method.